Has smart/casual taken over the suit?

2 minutes read

Some Men are celebrating the smart/casual movement while others sigh wishing for the suit to stay just where it is/was. Is it one step too far? We discuss…

Where did the dress down code all start?

Dress down Friday first began in Honolulu when they allowed heir workers to wear the Aloha shirt for part of the year. this evolved in the 1960’s where tech companies in particular adopted the dress down look in order for their staff to feel more comfortable at work.

Dress down Fridays were bought into the UK as it was perceived to have a positive effect on staff, allowing them to express their own sense of self and it has now become even more widespread.

Is it time to bring back the suit?

In certain environments, the suit should certainly stay. Its that sense of uniformity that is necessary. We don’t need to see how cool and funky our barristers are. We want to be able to take them seriously and know that they will do their best by us and are not side tracked by which shade of blue makes their eyes stand out more than the other. (Something we personally take very seriously)

It seems a lot of our customers would welcome the suit back as its so much simpler to get ready in the morning. To have to think about a variety of different looks it becomes much more time consuming. Plus, just like uniform it doesn’t distract from the job at hand.

Has all hope been lost?

Does this mean that all Men are going to convert to T-shirts and ripped jeans? I fear yes in some workplaces. For one, it feels good to be dressed impeccably. it brings about a sense of pride which then helps you to exude confidence and therefore making you work more efficiently. (It’s been proven, its not just us)

We love a pair of smart jeans and a T shirt but there’s equally no reason why they shouldn’t be well made and fit you well.

Whether you choose to go with the flow and wear smart/casual or to stay formal because it works for you, one thing we can confirm is that it should always fit and fit really well and look well thought out, otherwise all is then very much lost.

How should you do smart/casual?

Just as you would have bought a work suit wardrobe, do the same for your dress down looks. Have a definite difference between your weekday wear to your weekend wear or it may become a bit of blur.

Purchase 3-4 really great sports jackets in various shades (Note: they don’t all have to be blue) 5-6 well cut, high quality shirts and 5 pairs of alternative trousers. Think twill, cords, smart jeans and flannel or wool trousers for a more formal version of smart/casual.

If this article has made you slump down in your chair and wriggle off to your local menswear store then we’re pleased. It really makes a big difference to looking and feeling more stylish and more confident and will leave you looking like the hottest man in the room. What more could you want…

As ever, we’re always here for guidance so feel free to contact us here.

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